Bless Every Home

Bless Every Home makes it easy to visualize and adopt your community for prayer.

Bless Every Home’s straightforward digital platform is easy to use and allows you to track your organization’s members and lights. Members can adopt their neighbors, see their names, and even get reminders to pray for them each day.


How are we doing in KC?

There are 1.7M people in Kansas City within a 35 mile radius of downtown, KCMO

  • We have 3553 Lights who are adopting their neighborhood of 40 homes on ave. There are 13,281 neighborhoods in KC. 26% (gross) are adopted

  • In KC there are 73,137 (net) homes adopted with 190,156 living in those homes. 11 % prayed for

  • 131 of the 168 Zip Codes have a Light. 78%

  • 308 of the 340 Grade School Districts have a Light

  • 91% (1404) of the 1432 CBGs have a Light 98%


Caring for Kids


Love Your Neighbor Field Guide